Harbor Lights Chapterv52

Events Calendar

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CA-AZ Hands Across the Border (7:00 pm PDT)
Friday, March 16, 2018, 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 209
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Secretary Carol Cloud

Hands Across the Border with Arizona. Join the California Grand Family as they attend the OV of the Arizona Worthy Grand Matron (Tori Loll) and Worthy Grand Patron (Perry Casazza) to Yuma Chapter #14.

OV begins at 7:00 pm MST (AZ)/PDT (CA).

Dinner is at 4:30 pm (cost is $25). RSVP to Secretary Carol Cloud by March 9th for the dinner. Honor program at 6:00 pm for AZ Associate Grand Patron David Gillis and AZ Grand Chaplain, Linda Gillis.


Location Britain Farms, 4330 W. Riverside Drive, Yuma, AZ
Questions: Contact Carolyn Simson (928-247-5962) or B.J. Dale (760-960-9037)