Harbor Lights Chapterv52

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District 39 Get Together and Food Drive
Sunday, August 20, 2017, 12:00pm
Hits : 196
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Contact Lorelei Mehaffey, WM of La Paloma Star

District 39: Harbor Lights, La Paloma Star, Point Loma Coronado

Join our Chapters for a fun afternoon with a purpose! Sunday, August 20th, from noon to ???, we're having a potluck social at Balboa Park in the Pepper Grove (Park Blvd & President's Way).

Each Chapter will have a Sculpture Designer who will tell her/his chapter what colors of cans/boxes of non-perishable foodstuffs to bring. Then with her/his guidance the Chapters will create beautiful sculptures out of the non-perishable food containers. Bring yourself, friends & family, something to share in the potluck, and your non-perishable food items! Once the sculptures are judged, they will be taken apart and all of the food items will be donated to local food banks as part of our participation in the WGM/WGP Eastern Star Cares Project. Contact the Worthy Matron of your Chapter for specific information about what your Chapter is doing. For general information, contact WM Lorelei Mehaffey of La Paloma Star.

Pepper Grove Address. 2200 Park Blvd; San Diego, California 92101 

Location Balboa Park - Pepper Grove, 2200 Park Blvd; San Diego, California 92101
Dress - casual including jeans.